Sports Injury Treatment Specialist

October 15, 2022 | Latest news | 461 Views Call Connect

Participating in one or more sports is a vital part of a healthy, active lifestyle good for the heart, good for respiration, good for building and maintaining muscular strength, etc. In a perfect world, only good would come of playing sports but of course, this is not a perfect world. People move in the wrong ways, people trip and fall, people make sudden contact with the ground and with each other, and sports injuries commonly occur as a result. Strains are by far the most common of all sports-related injuries simply because we use so many muscles and tendons when we exercise or play. These moving parts are all susceptible to stretching farther than they should or moving in ways they shouldn’t move, leaving them torn, damaged, and in pain. Common muscle strains include pulled hamstrings, pulled groin muscles, and strained quads. Most strains are minor and heal naturally with rest. The best way to reduce the risk of strained muscles and tendons is to warm up and stretch before engaging in strenuous activity.

For more information please contact us at +919582714141

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